
Showing posts from September, 2022


    Zopiclon e   , sold under the brand name    Imovane    among others, is a    nonbenzodiazepine    used to treat difficulty sleeping.  Zopiclone    is molecularly distinct from benzodiazepine drugs and is classified as a cyclopyrrolone.  However,    zopiclone    increases the normal transmission of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the central nervous system, via modulating    benzodiazepine    receptors in the same way that benzodiazepine drugs do.  imovane abstinensymptom Zopiclone    is a sedative.  It works by causing depression or tranquilization of the central nervous system.  After prolonged use, the body can become accustomed to the effects of    zopiclone   .  When the dose is then reduced or the drug is abruptly stopped, withdrawal sympt...


    Metylfenidat, som bland annat säljs under varumärket Ritalin, är ett stimulateande läkemedel som används för att behandla uppmärksamhetsbrist/hyperaktivitetsstörning  (ADHD ) och narkolepsi. Det är en förstahandsmedicin för ADHD.  Det kan tas genom munnen eller appliceras på huden, och olika formulatingar har olika effekt. Vanliga biverkningar av metylfenidat inkluderar sömnsvårigheter, minskad aptit, ångest och viktminskning.  Sea allvarliga biverkningar kan innefatta psykos, långvariga erektioner, missbruk av ämnen och hjärtproblem.  Uttagssymtom inkluderar svaghet och trötthet, dysfori, anhedoni och förlust av motivation. Metylfenidat antas fungera genom att blockera dopamin och noradrenalinåterupptag av neuroner.  Metylfenidat är en central stimulans av centrala nervsystemet (CNS) fenetylamin- och piperidinklasserna  .ritalin effekt utan adhd Metylfenidat syntetiserades första gången 1944 och godkändes för medicinskt bruk i USA 1955. Det s...


    Xanax  ( alprazolam ) is a  benzodiazepine  (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peen). It is thought that alprazolam works by enhancing the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Xanax  is used to treat anxiety disorders and anxiety caused by depression. Xanax  is also used to treat panic disorders with or without a fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment (agoraphobia). It is dangerous to purchase  Xanax  on the Internet or outside the United States. The sale and distribution of medicines outside the U.S. do not comply with the safe-use regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These medications may contain dangerous ingredients, or may not be distributed by a licensed pharmacy. Warnings Xanax  can slow or stop your breathing, especially if you have recently used an opioid medication or alcohol. MISUSE OF XANAX CAN CAUSE ADDICTION, OVERDOSE, OR DEATH. Keep the medication in a pla...


     What Is  Adderall   Adderall   and   Mydayis   are trade names for a combination drug containing four salts of   amphetamine  .  The mixture is composed of equal parts racemic   amphetamine   and dextroamphetamine, which produces a ratio between dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine, the two enantiomers of amphetamine.  Both enantiomers are   stimulants  , but differ enough to give   Adderall   an effects profile distinct from those of racemic amphetamine or dextroamphetamine, which are marketed as Evekeo and Dexedrine / Zenzedi, respectively.  Adderall   is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (  Köpa Adderall 30 mg i Sverige | Pluggenapotek ) and narcolepsy.  It is also used as an athletic performance enhancer, cognitive enhancer, appetite suppressant, and recreationally as an aphrodisiac and e...


      Zopiclon  e    , sold under the brand name    Imovane    among others, is a    nonbenzodiazepine    used to treat difficulty sleeping.  Zopiclone    is molecularly distinct from benzodiazepine drugs and is classified as a cyclopyrrolone.  However,    zopiclone    increases the normal transmission of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the central nervous system, via modulating    benzodiazepine    receptors in the same way that benzodiazepine drugs do.  imovane abstinensymptom Zopiclone    is a sedative.  It works by causing depression or tranquilization of the central nervous system.  After prolonged use, the body can become accustomed to the effects of    zopiclone   .  When the dose is then reduced or the drug is abruptly stoppe...